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Monday, April 2, 2012


This is the amazing view from the 21st floor of the Pinnacle building. Impressed? Afraid of heights? I was feeling both, along with an overwhelming amount of excitement to get to experience closing night in one of Nashville's classiest looking sky scrapers. The whole of the top floor is nearly all windows, so it's easy to feel like you're floating. I was already on fashion cloud nine, and had it not been for the weight of my purse - I can be certain I'd have floated away. 

I hadn't anticipated being able to go Saturday night so I wasn't able to plan out an ornate, perfect NFW ensemble, instead I just threw together my "comfy" go-to outfit with my Jeffrey Campbell Litas. They hold the record for easiest to walk in and stand for long periods in, so naturally they were a good fit tonight. 

The rest of the outfit: Cashmere Sweater, Free People // Crop Top, American Apparel // Skirt, Vintage Re-purposed DIY // Purse, DIY NEON LEATHER PURSE // Thigh High Socks, American Apparel // Shoes, Jeffrey Campbell Lita //

 Jamie Frazier and Hannah Jones


By far my favorite of the night. I'm such a huge fan of soft, neutral tones. I'm not a big 'color' person, unless I'm adding in a crazy neon colored accessory. Not only did they impress me with their beautiful selection of muted tones, but the fabrics themselves were so weightless and playful. Alright, but enough about the color - the geometric shapes! I'm such a sucker for geometric shaped prints and knick knacks this season, and I was so glad JATJ included them!

 Kal Rieman

I picture the perfect modern French woman owning everything in this collection. Each piece looked business chic, but could easily be dressed up or down. I also appreciated the incorporation of men's wear styles in several of the pieces.


Sylvia Heisel

Crumpled paper was on everyone's mind when Sylvia Heisel graced the runway. Her collection incorporated some interesting textures and shapes, including something of a "cross" print which was reoccurring throughout the collection. The paper/fabric was the most curious - I wanted to touch it so bad! 

Randi Rahm

What a gorgeous collection! It had a subtle Marchesa feel, but with more practicality. I mean, what more could a woman want than a collection of glittery, lacy, poofy, feather gowns? It was so hard to pick a favorite since each piece was entirely unique, but somehow all pulled together to form a cohesive collection.  

*I made the mistake of running off to stock up on drinks for Codie + I (okay, who says no to free drink tickets?) When Magid Bernard started, so I wasn't able to get any pictures of her collection - you can visit her website HERE or check out the official NFW photography HERE.

I was lucky enough to run into one of my style icons and fellow blogger, Zarna of 

It was a great end to another perfect NFW Night. Thanks for all the support, and I'm so glad I had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful, kind people in the industry - I hope I see you all again soon. 

Till next year!

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